Re: Too many cheaters
Sorry but there's absolutely nothing wrong with sniping. If you want to win an auction "honestly", put your full bid on there, if it doesn't win it wouldn't matter since the other party obviously...
View ArticleRe: Re: ebay, love/hate you
Then make a REAL bid, not something that just barely beats the current highest bid; if you want it that badly you should be willing to pay for it. If they bid more than you, regardless of when or how...
View ArticleRe:
Stop whining and make a real bid instead of just beating the highest bidder by 25 cents.
View ArticleArticle 33
Sniping never bothered me because I always put in my max bid first. If someone was willing to pay more than my max bid, let them have it. I don't bid more than once on an auction. What ruined it for me...
View ArticleRe: Re: Re: Cure for sniping
Quite. Even if you really did want to prevent the situation where two bots would continue to outbid each other (despite an escalating price no doubt well beyond market), you could say that an auction's...
View ArticleSniping is my life
I never bid before the last second, what is the point in showing your hand. What annoys me is shill bidding, that is: the practice of having your friends and associates bid the price up. I understand...
View Articlethe buyers are my problem...
My last two attempts at selling items on ebay were horrible. The buyers didn't pay, tried to contact them, didn't respond, I had to wait 7 days to offer to the next person. The second buyer didn't...
View ArticleRe: Online Auctions No Longer Fun
You hit the bullseye on that one. I still visit EBay around the holidays but its like you said, the prices don't beat what consumers can find in their local stores so they back away from it. Its not...
View ArticleeBay is it's own decline
I agree with the person who said they dislike the Fixed Price. If I wanted to do business with a business, I'd go to their store, and not eBay. I want auctions on eBay, and I basically just swim...
View ArticleArticle 27
Agree with the above bidder on the shipping charges. any item which is available elsewhere can usually be bought quicker and cheaper elsewhere. I used to collect certain rare and outdated items. Now I...
View ArticleArticle 26
Mmm... if you sell stuff on ebay, you risk being scammed. If you buy stuff on ebay you risk being scammed. And even if all goes well with the transaction, you risked being screwed by PayPal. It's a...
View ArticleEbay
I think Ebay is better now than ever. I love the new change to the way sellers can rate buyers, its more fair now. If sellers don't like it too bad...they brought it upon themselves
View ArticleI'm one of the
I was a heavy eBay using, starting all the way back in 1997 on dialup. I was such an avid user that I thought up the idea of (manual) snipping, simply waiting until the last 30 seconds until I made a...
View ArticleRe: the buyers are my problem...
"Now I use crag's list." I've never sold on ebay, but I have used craig's list to sell stuff many times with perfect results. I get my money, the guy gets his stuff, and no one gets screwed by ebay and...
View ArticleRe: Sniping is my life
You aren't showing your hand by bidding before the last second. It seems a lot of people on here are complaining about sniping but they don't understand how eBay auctions work. You put in your maximum...
View ArticleRe: I'm one of the
"I thought up the idea of (manual) snipping, simply waiting until the last 30 seconds until I made a bid." I don't get how that is beneficial. Simply give the highest bid you'd be willing to make. As...
View ArticleShills
My complaint with eBAY is people selling an item and having a shill bid up the price. I use Murdock's approach so sometimes the shill outbids me. Then the seller contacts me direct by email saying the...
View ArticleRe: Re: Sniping is my life
*Exactly* right - nice post. And to everyone complaining about losing auctions to snipers, just remember this - the sniper didn't win because he bid last, he won because he had the highest bid. What I...
View ArticleRe: Re: Sniping is my life
You aren't showing your hand by bidding before the last second. At times you are. If you try to bid at the last second but the current bid is already over your maximum, then you will never bid. By not...
View ArticleEbay is the best
If you like to get knock offs for cheap. Especially Jerseys and stuff like that.
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