Actually several other auction sites uses exactly that model and it works very well. High bid takes the auction, not last bid under the wire.
That would be great, let the seller set a minimum time for the auction (perhaps with an upper limit) rather than a max. After that, high bid wins unless outbid within x minutes, or reserve not met. Don't let the seller set x, make that a constant. There could be no sniping, because if you bid at the last minute, your opponent (and everyone else), then has another x minutes to rebid.
Would that reduce final auction prices? If so they'll never do it.
That would be great, let the seller set a minimum time for the auction (perhaps with an upper limit) rather than a max. After that, high bid wins unless outbid within x minutes, or reserve not met. Don't let the seller set x, make that a constant. There could be no sniping, because if you bid at the last minute, your opponent (and everyone else), then has another x minutes to rebid.
Would that reduce final auction prices? If so they'll never do it.